Includes: Bromine or chlorine tablets, weekly shock, alkalinity, PH Increaser, PH minus, Calcium. FREE SHIPPING
This package is called the eco-line as its the most affordable way to look after your hot tub. Put the ease in owning a hot tub and just receive your supplies quarterly or monthly in the mail or get everything for the year in one package.
bromine or chlorine tablets (a year supply, quarterly supply or monthly supply depending on your package)
ph increaser (a year supply, quarterly supply or monthly supply depending on your package)
alkalinity increaser (a year supply, quarterly supply or monthly supply depending on your package)
ph decreaser (a year supply, quarterly supply or monthly supply depending on your package)
calcium (a year supply, quarterly supply or monthly supply depending on your package)
- test strips (a year supply, quarterly supply or monthly supply depending on your package)
We do have other packages for you to look at: mineral based, specialty or pods.