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Hot Tub Alkalinity 101

What is Total Alkalinity? And why do I need to control my Alkalinity in my hot tub? Why is Alkalinity important? Why does alkalinity change?


What is Total Alkalinity?

• The total of all alkaline minerals in water

• Namely bicarbonates, carbonates, hydroxides

• The measure of waters ability to resist a change in pH • Proper hot tub range: 125 – 150 ppm

• Acts as a buffer or shock absorber for pH

• Balance initially at fresh fill

• Check monthly and adjust as needed


Why Is It Important?

• In hot tub water, a balanced total alkalinity does the following:

o Allows easier maintenance of pH within the desired range
o Helps protect surfaces from corrosion, staining and scale formation
o Helps provide clearer water
o Fewer problems / easier maintenance


Why Does TA Change

• TA is depleted in the buffering of acids and maintenance of proper pH

• Product additions can have an effect on TA

o Bromine Tabs lower TA
o Balance pH- lowers TA
o Balance pH+ raises TA

• Aeration lowers TA

• Fill water can raise or lower TA

Problems Associated with TA

• When low:

o pH bounces uncontrollably
o Corrodes surfaces
o Possible staining


• When high:

o High acid demand
o High pH
o Scale forms more readily
o Cloudy water (calcium)
Why use Dazzle TA+:
• Raises Total Alkalinity (TA) of hot tub water
• Use when TA is less than 125 ppm to return to effective range of 125 – 150 ppm • Low TA causes;
o pH bounce – difficult to balance
o Increased corrosion of metal surfaces - staining
o Etching of plaster, grout
o Increased risk of problems and major repair costs
• Highest grade mineral available
o Very fine, granular form
o Dissolves quickly and fully
o Food grade – no impurities
o Alkaline – pH 8.3 in solution
• Apply when needed to maintain TA between 125 – 150 ppm
• Always test with fresh fill and monthly thereafter
How Much:
• To raise TA:
o 18 g per 1,000 L raises TA 10 ppm • 1 capful = 10 grams (approx.)
• Always adjust TA 1st, before pH or TH
• Operate pump with air off 
• Apply product by sprinkling slowly over water surface in one application
• Circulate for 1 – 2 hours
• Always test and re-balance pH after application of Balance TA+
Reducing Total Alkalinity- Tips Sheet
What is Total Alkalinity?
Total Alkalinity (TA) is a very important component of overall water balance. Its primary role is to help keep pH in proper balance. The best definition of TA is; “the measure of waters ability to resist a change in pH.” once you balance your pH successfully within the range of 7.4 you keep it there. The secondary role of TA content that all water requires to prevent unnecessary damage to surfaces. Water low in TA will see the pH bouncing up and down, almost uncontrollably. The hot tub surfaces will also be at risk of long especially metal surfaces. Water high in TA will find the pH constantly high and in need of reducing and a greater risk of scale formation, cloudy water and shorter filter runs.
Reducing Total Alkalinity:
When TA is high, it requires lowering with Dazzle accurate computerized water analysis program, will calculate the quantity of total amount into applications over a number of days. Lowering TA is traditionally done over a number of days to slowly and safely lower the TA without reducing the pH to dangerously low levels. When done properly, the TA slowly steps down and the pH never drops below 7.2. Safe and Simple!
1) Test pH – if above 7.2, apply that days application of
2) If below 7.2, wait for the pH to climb above 7.2 before making your next application. It will come up on its own.
3) Apply by broadcasting evenly over the water surface, primarily in the deep end. 4) Make note of the application to ensure you complete the number of applications required.
To Speed Up the Process:
1) Test pH – if above 7.2, apply that days application of Pro Bal
2) After 1 – 2 hours, test pH again. If the pH is still above 7.2, apply another application of Pro Balance pH
3) Repeat this process every 1 – 2 hours, making applications of Pro Balance pH 7.2. This process allows for many applications to be made per day, provided the pH remains above 7.2.
4) Stop applications once the pH drops below 7.2, restarting once the pH climbs above 7.2 again.
5) Make note of each application and stop once the total number of applications have been AquaAce prescription (local dazzle dealer).
Thanks as always to Dazzle for their excellent water care information.

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