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Mineraluxe: The Best Hot Tub Maintenance System

What is Mineraluxe?

Mineraluxe works in conjunction with your bromine or chlorine sanitizer.

The Mineraluxe Cube is a advanced mineral treatment for your hot tub and is the star of the Mineraluxe system. It features a special blend of natural minerals fused with advanced cleanse and repel technology that keeps your hot tub squeaky clean and will dramatically reduce the scaling of heaters, jets, surfaces and equipment.

The Cube's are also infused with skin conditioners for a soft, silky feel and fresh Spring Rain scent that invigorates the senses.



  • The Star of the Mineraluxe system
  • A fusion of Natural Minerals that cleanses and repels surface gunk
  • Loosens debris and biofilm and prevents from reattaching
  • Squeaky clean surfaces
  • Reduces sanitizer demand for less chemical usage
  • Maximizes comfort and enjoyment
  • Infused with skin conditioners for a soft, silky feel
  • Fresh "Spring Rain" scent

I personally use mineraluxe in my own personal hot tub and it is amazing. Contact us for more information on how it works. 



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